Tag Archive: cave

Broughs Tunnel – Clifty Falls State Park – Madison, Indiana

Broughs Tunnel - Clifty Falls State Park - Madison, Indiana

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Brough’s Tunnel, located in Clifty Falls State Park, was an early attempt by the Madison, Indianapolis & Lafayette Railroad to build an alternate route between Madison and North Madison, Indiana. Their first route known as the Madison Railroad Incline Cut, was carved out of solid rock to bring the railroad down to the Ohio River in southern Indiana. However this route produced one of the steepest graded rail routes in the country, which proved problematic to maintain and operate. So in the 1850’s a plan was developed to bypass the Incline Cut. One of the artifacts of this attempted bypass was the incomplete 600 ft Brough’s Tunnel, also known as Brough’s Folly.

Today the tunnel is a playground for park visitors and in the winter hibernating bats.

Sandstone Cave in Stormy Weather – Moab – Utah

Sandstone Cave in Stormy Weather - Moab - Utah

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This view comes from a failed attempt to build modern “cliff dwelling” in the famous sandstone cliffs of southern Utah. As the story goes, the man who constructed this was doing it in violation of Bureau of Land Management rules, and to make matters worse, the sandstone was of a variety to soft for hazard free living. Evidence within the cave makes it clear the structure will eventually cave in on itself. In any event it made for a nice shelter from a spring storm outside of Moab. In the distance you can see the storm clouds approaching and the green fields of a farm that hugs the banks of the Colorado River. The fields, the storm, cave opening and sandstone all made for a beautiful contrast.

See more images from the Colorado River watershed.