Monthly Archive: May 2024

Original Highlands Street Sign – Louisville

The Original Highlands is a historic neighborhood in the Highlands area of Louisville, Kentucky. The neighborhood was built on land granted to Colonial William Preston, a settler from Virginia. The area was originally and agricultural area and heavily settled by German immigrants. So its orginal name, New Hamburg is not a surprise. Most of the houses in the Original Highlands date from 1860 and 1895. The Original Highlands is one of eight neighborhoods that occupy a broader, elevated area of Louisville known as the HIghlands. Its name as implied suggests it was the first in the area to see significant urban development.

Original Highlands Street Sign - Louisville

Perryville Street Sign – Kentucky

Perryville is small historic village in north central Kentucky that was founded in 1817 by settlers from Virginia.

The village was named after Cmdr. Oliver Hazard Perry, a war hero from the Battle of 1812. The village is known for its historic Merchants Row, a series of original buildings from the town’s founding that sit perched on the edge of the Chaplin River, a tributary of the Salt River. It is also the site of the Battle of Perryville from the American Civil War. A loss for the Confederate Generals Braxton Bragg and Edmund Kirby Smith, it effectively ended the Confederacy’s military campaign in the State of Kentucky.

Perryville Street Sign - Kentucky

Taylorsville Lake Sign – Kentucky

Taylorsville Lake is a popular reservoir for recreation south of Louisville, Kentucky’s largest city. The lake began filling in the 1980’s around the time of the founding of Taylorsville Lake State Park. The park encompasses 1200 acres. The lake derives its name from Richard Taylor, the father of the 12th President of the United States Zachary Taylor, who originally donated the land for what would become the city of Taylorsville.

Taylorsville Lake Sign - Kentucky