Tag Archive: Kentucky

Old Kentucky Black Tobacco Barn 2 – Farm Field

Old Kentucky Black Tobacco Barn 2 – Farm Field

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An old Kentucky Tobacco Barn found west of Maysville, in a farmer’s field. At one time tobacco was one of the main industries in the state, and as late as the 1920’s it was the country largest producer of tobacco. Today it remains the largest producer of burley and dark tobacco and a distant second in production by state, behind North Carolina. But as most know, due to health concerns and changing life styles of America, it is a largely dying industry. And this barn, aged and crumbling reflects a changing of the times.

One interesting question often asked about these barns is why are they are almost all black. The black color more effectively traps the heat of the sun, which helps in the drying of the tobacco leaves. And creosote, from which the black color comes, was readily available to farmers.

St Joseph Catholic Church – Louisville – Kentucky

St Joseph Catholic Church - Louisville - Kentucky

A view of St Joseph Catholic Church in the Butchertown neighborhood in Louisville, Kentucky. In the picture St Joseph sits below a cross with the baby Jesus on his shoulder. According to the canonical Gospels, Joseph was married to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and was the legal father of Jesus. He is considered to be the patron saint of workers and the sick, and was declared by Pope Pius IX to be the protector of the Catholic Church.

Old Kentucky Black Tobacco Barn – Farm Field

Old Kentucky Black Tobacco Barn - Farm Field

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An old Kentucky Tobacco Barn found west of Maysville, in a farmer’s field. At one time tobacco was one of the main industries in the state, and as late as the 1920’s it was the country largest producer of tobacco. Today it remains the largest producer of burley and dark tobacco and a distant second in production by state, behind North Carolina. But as most know, due to health concerns and changing life styles of America, it is a largely dying industry. And this barn, aged and crumbling reflects a changing of the times.

One interesting question often asked about these barns is why are they are almost all black. The black color more effectively traps the heat of the sun, which helps in the drying of the tobacco leaves. And creosote, from which the black color comes, was readily available to farmers.