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Spring House – My Old Kentucky Home – Bardstown

A view of the historic log cabin spring house at the site of the My Old Kentucky Home State Park. A stairway ascends to the center piece of the state park, the Federal Hill Mansion once owned by United States Senator John Rowan in 1795. The park derives its name from a musical ballad written by Stephen Foster, a song that was also made the state song of Kentucky in 1928. Some have suggested that Foster was inspired by Harriet Beecher Stowe’s anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The state of Kentucky purchased the Federal Hill property in 1923, designating it an important historic site. The state park is located in Bardstown, Kentucky.

Spring House - My Old Kentucky Home - Bardstown

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Louisville Cardinals Baseball Stadium – Kentucky

The Jim Patterson Stadium is the home field of the Louisville Cardinals College Baseball Team, located in Louisville, Kentucky. The stadium was constructed in 2005 on a former brownfield site. In the background, giant versions of the Louisville Slugger baseball bats are on display, highlighting a partnership between the famous bat maker and the university athletic program.

The stadium has hosted both the NCAA Super Regionals, and NCAA Division I Baseball Championships.

Louisville Cardinals Baseball Stadium - Kentucky

Original Highlands Street Sign – Louisville

The Original Highlands is a historic neighborhood in the Highlands area of Louisville, Kentucky. The neighborhood was built on land granted to Colonial William Preston, a settler from Virginia. The area was originally and agricultural area and heavily settled by German immigrants. So its orginal name, New Hamburg is not a surprise. Most of the houses in the Original Highlands date from 1860 and 1895. The Original Highlands is one of eight neighborhoods that occupy a broader, elevated area of Louisville known as the HIghlands. Its name as implied suggests it was the first in the area to see significant urban development.

Original Highlands Street Sign - Louisville