
Caleb Crosby Threshing Barn – Norris – Tennessee

Caleb Crosby Threshing Barn - Norris - Tennessee

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The historic Caleb Crosby Threshing Barn, located in Norris, Tennessee. The barn, built in the 1830’s, contained a threshing machine powered by oxen, that was used to seperate wheat, oats or barley seeds from the main stalk of each plant. The barn, which stood next to the Holston River for 100 years, was donated to the National Park Service, by the Crosby family during the construction of the Cherokee Dam.

James Rifled Cannon – Chickamauga Battlefield, Georgia

James Rifled Cannon - Chickamauga Battlefield, Georgia

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A James Rifled Cannon located on the Chickamauga Civil War Battlefield, near Chattanooga, Tennessee. The Battle of Chickamauga was fought between September 18-20, 1863, between the Union Army commanded by Major General William Rosecrans, and the Confederate Army commanded by General Braxton Bragg. The Battle was a major defeat for the Union forces, with more than 35,000 troops killed, wounded or declared missing/captured from both sides.