Author Archive: Ultimateplaces Photography

Windmill – Daniel Arnold Homestead – Dayton – Ohio

Windmill - Daniel Arnold Homestead - Dayton - Ohio

A wooden windmill, as seen in late spring, part the Daniel Arnold Homestead, a historic farm located Huber Heights, part of present day Dayton, Ohio. Daniel Arnold a German immigrant, came to the region in the 1830’s from Virginia, building first a cabin and then a large farm house in 1835. The historic Arnold farmstead is the center piece of Dayton’s Carriage Hill MetroPark, which offers both a museum and outdoor exploration opportunities in the surrounding pastures and woodlands. The homestead was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1977.

St Joseph Catholic Church – Louisville – Kentucky

St Joseph Catholic Church - Louisville - Kentucky

A view of St Joseph Catholic Church in the Butchertown neighborhood in Louisville, Kentucky. In the picture St Joseph sits below a cross with the baby Jesus on his shoulder. According to the canonical Gospels, Joseph was married to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and was the legal father of Jesus. He is considered to be the patron saint of workers and the sick, and was declared by Pope Pius IX to be the protector of the Catholic Church.

Saltair Train Car 502 – Great Salt Lake – Utah

Saltair Train Car 502 - Great Salt Lake - Utah

The abandoned Salt Lake Garfield & Western Railroad Car 502 sits on in the desert grasslands that surround the Great Salt Lake outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. Also known as the Saltair Train, in its heyday, the train car ferried passengers back and forth between the old Saltair resort that stands on the edge of the lake.

Beginning in 1893, the Saltair Resort went through at least 3 different incarnations. The latest one, began with the construction of new facility out of an old military hanger in 1981. However the unpredictable water levels of the Great Salt Lake which went from flooding the new building shortly after it opened, to leaving the venue a significant distance from the edge of the lake, caused the resort to be abandoned for much of the last four decades. But in recent times, it has become a location for smaller, independent music concerts.