Author Archive: Ultimateplaces Photography

Newlee’s Iron Furnace – Cumberland Gap National Park – Virginia

Historic Newlee’s Iron Furnace, located in Cumberland Gap National Park, was constructed in 1819 of locally sourced sandstone blocks, and its interior (seen here) was lined with fired bricks. Each day 625 bushels of charcoal (approximately 52 trees), 6 1/4 tons of locally mined iron ore, and 1,563 pounds of limestone were used to produce approximately 3 tons of iron. The produced iron was used both locally, and shipped as ingots down the Powell River to Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Newlee's Iron Furnace - Cumberland Gap National Park - Virginia

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Historic Tool Barn – Land Between the Lakes – Tennessee

A replica of a historic log tool barn stands in a forest clearing, in early spring. Located in rural Tennessee, in the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, the barn is part of the 1850s Homeplace Working Farm. The farm paints a portrait of farm life in rural Tennessee and Kentucky, in the 1800’s.

The tool barn provided a work area for farmers to build home furnishings, and repair farm equipment. Tools were stored within the barns “cribs”, while wagons, plows, and buggies were stored under the barn lean to’s.

Historic Tool Barn - Land Between the Lakes - Tennessee

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Historic Tobacco Barn – Land Between the Lakes – Tennessee

A replica of a historic tobacco barn stands in a clearing next to a traditional split rail fence, in early spring. Located in rural Tennessee, in the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, the barn is part of the 1850s Homeplace Working Farm. The farm paints a portrait of farm life in rural Tennessee and Kentucky, in the 1800’s.

Tobacco was a valuable cash crops in this region, beginning in the 1806’s. Dark-fired tobacco, the type grown in this region, derives its name from the curing process. Over a 13-month period, the tobacco is grown, fired, and cured. The firing and curing process is done by building smoldering fires in trenches built into the floor of the barn, and tobacco is hung on racks above it, similar to the process for smoking meat.

Historic Tobacco Barn - Land Between the Lakes - Tennessee

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